Quick Start
- Create yourself an account on Glitch.com
- Click on the fish icon in the upper right and select "Remix on Glitch" to make your own copy
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101 Exercises exists to help learners gain deep practice with fundamentals, operators, syntax, and converting problems in English to solutions in JS.
The best way to learn how to program is write programs. Each exercise is a tiny little program.
Expect to do a tremendous amount of search engine searches, make many mistakes, and try again. This is all part of programming. Take breaks.
Reference Error means you need to define the variable or function.
The number by the 101-exercises.js filename highlights the line where the variable is referenced before it exist
Syntax Error means there's a syntax error that needs to be fixed.
The number by the 101-exercises.js filename highlights the line where the syntax error exists.
Uncaught Error means the answer is incorrect and doesn't match the test.
The number by the 101-exercises.js filename highlights the line for the exercise where the expected value in the test does not match the actual value provided by the attempted solution. Ignore the line number 6 in assert.js.
If you notice any typos, misspellings, or mistakes, please triple check your work and open an issue on GitHub citing both the line number and exercise number.